The Dinglinger-Atelier of Dresden
The Dinglinger-Atelier of Dresden was created in 2004 when Geo-Fried M. Dinglinger developed his idea to revive the tradition of his famous artist ancestors, the Brothers Dinglinger, in Dresden to new life. By means of the old craftsmen technique, especially the nearly forgotten art of the fire enameling, he developed creative new jewelry creations as one-of-a-kind pieces for lovers of exclusive gold art. After more than 300 years the new Dinglinger® collection was born.
This first new Dinglinger® collection should by no means simply copy the oeuvre of the famous artist ancestor, Johann Melchior Dinglinger, certainly however, for reasons of respect and authenticity in the eyes of and with the famous ancestor, who in his own baroque period was the most famous, since most ingenious, goldsmith of old Europe and thus the world, the most precious materials and the centuries-old craftsmanship, here above all his brother Georg-Friedrich Dinglinger’s fire-enameling art, should ultimately be able to be reapplied personally by the undersigned design artist and enameller through their rediscovery and reinvestigation.
But only the fire-enameling art, today perfectly mastered only by a handful of artists worldwide, has gone to make the artistic oeuvre of the Dinglinger brothers at the court of Augustus the Strong unique even until the present time.
The Dinglinger® art of gold is distinguished by:
Exclusive but timeless gold work who does not follow changing fashion trends
The use of fascinating possibilities of opaque and transluscid fire enamel
The perfect execution of cutting and setting the gemstones into most precious materials
The gems on this website are presentations for a custom design in which the values and sense of the customer is corporated in the form of preferred ornaments, designs, shapes, symbols, colors and personal meanings.
The Dinglinger® gems remain unique and original and the Dinglinger® hallmarking excludes imitations.
1664 - 1731 Johann Melchior Dinglinger
He was one of Europe's greatest goldsmiths, whose major works for the elector of Saxony, Augustus the Strong, Dresden.
2004 The new Dinglinger Atelier was born
Geo-Fried M. Dinglinger, descendant of the old and famous Dinglinger family, revived the old tradition of goldsmithing and the art of enamelling by Georg Friedrich Dinglinger.